Alice Bag albums: review

Okay, so I’ve never written an album review, or like…formally reviewed an album before. But I felt compelled to start with Alice Bag because she’s one of my heroes, and if anyone and their music needs more exposure, out of all of my faves, I think Alice is most deserving.

Though I’ve read my share of album reviews, I’m going to do something different and go track-by-track, then end with an overall summary of the album as an entity. For any reviews I endeavor to write in the future, this will be my format. (Unless I decide to be more creative and try a different approach. I might…in which case, I’ll let y’all know.)

And because this post is rather long (I’m reviewing both of her solo albums), I’m putting the important part of it under a read-more so you have a choice if you do really want to read it.

Since supporting artists is my thing (especially because I’m also an artist), you can buy her albums here (debut & second album), and/or check out the albums on Youtube (1 & 2), Spotify (1 & 2), Apple Music (1 & 2), or Amazon (1 & 2). Or, you know, just look up her music on whatever music streaming service you ordinarily use, I guess.

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